Photo of Norma Calcagno Argentina

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Standard Calcagno, born in Lanús prov. of Buenos Aires on 25 April 1966.

He began his art studies in the workshop of José Maria Pereyra in Lomas de Zamora, between 1986y1987.En this past year he joined the art school Prilidiano Pueyrredón, where he is until año1988.Apartir of this year is dedicated to family, interspersed with lectures as a professor particular drawing to and into 2001, at the Instituto...

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19.29 x 25.98 in
13.78 x 29.92 in
55.12 x 24.80 in
23.62 x 23.62 in
59.06 x 27.56 in
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Photo of Norma Calcagno Argentina

Standard Calcagno, born in Lanús prov. of Buenos Aires on 25 April 1966.

He began his art studies in the workshop of José Maria Pereyra in Lomas de Zamora, between 1986y1987.En this past year he joined the art school Prilidiano Pueyrredón, where he is until año1988.Apartir of this year is dedicated to family, interspersed with lectures as a professor particular drawing to and into 2001, at the Instituto Universitario Nacional de Arte (IUNA), which is currently pursuing a degree in painting, in the department of Dominic Florio

He has participated in several competitions. In 2002 won third prize in the drawing, in the Salon d'Automne III organized by artists and patrons of Cabins, Veronica Soules and Marcelo Fernandez, exposed in the "Tin Bar."

Participated in 2005 in project "Youth for educational and social inclusion" where there were murals in the neighborhood of Boedo (cap.fed.) and in the day "We are all Argentines" in Tafi Viejo Tucuman, organized by the ministry of social development of the nation.

Also participated in the seminar on Art, curated and heritage in museums, taught by Anne Litle Paulet, director of The Frick Collectioons of New York, organized by the Friends of MNBA in 2006.

Currently involved in a course of restoration and conservation of easel paintings at the art museum of Martin Quinquela Boca.

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